Sometimes it can be challenging to get learners to care about doing their homework and improving their overall academic performance. It can be easy to assume that learners must come ready to learn and must take responsibility for their learning. However, we know that student investment occurs when assessment results positively impact a learner’s ability to figure out his or her next steps. Learners will take an active role in their learning when the results of their work 1) supports their ability to make strategic decisions, 2) offers them targeted responses or next steps, and 3) can be acted upon to continue building a successful momentum.
Two dedicated teachers in Pawtucket, Rhode Island took this concept to heart and launched a year long action research project during the 2014-15 school year to see if they could make a difference in student investment and, ultimately, student learning. Their study follows. I am certain you will find their study to be interesting and their results to be promising.